The Original Dolona Roberts Web Site


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Dolona Roberts, a lifelong resident of Santa Fe, New Mexico, moved to Silver City, New Mexico almost a decade ago, where she has family ties that span decades.

    In Silver City, she established her home and studio outside the city, in the foothills of the town. Here, she found a new level of interest for her art form: color, as always, but inspired now by the soft and gentling forms of the mountains of the area that surround her home. She is working on landscapes of the hills that define her living and working space.

    She often speaks of the aura of the Payne's Gray - the color of a particular pigmentation that she uses - that manifests itself in the evening color of the sky in her country area of Silver City. Payne's Gray is a subtle color, and her renditions of the landscapes in the Silver City area gentle, but they are not simplistic. These landscapes are pictures that give comfort, and a sense of peace, and calm.

Faces of Dolona Slide Show

Blankets: Waiting I
36 x 32     Blankets: Waiting I Series   Acrylic on Canvas
Blankets : Waiting I Series  Acrylic on Canvas