The Original Dolona Roberts Web Site

Snake Series

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Dolona Roberts bright colored blankets wrap and protect a inner development and attract us like tender blooming. Similar, we see the wrappings of the serpent blooming in her paintings

Symbols are a kind of language to give us posts for an other realm of reality.

The snake is one of the oldest symbols painted and carved on walls of cliffs and caves within all cultures and times. The snake, serpent symbolizes fertility, new growth, maturity and healing power.

The dual nature of the snake/serpent can signal a merging of conscious and unconscious, bringing growth and health. The serpent or snake functions as a communicator, as a spiritual guide bringing good harvest and rain.

Many Amerindians venerated still today these serpent gods to maintain their culture, as in the Hopi Snake Dance.

To the shaman the serpent is a rain- bow, bringing light and color to earth. To Dolona Roberts the snake is a powerful participation of Myths. Her paintings show the serpent symbolized by curves, patterns of light and dark of glistening paints, as an infinite subject, limitless composition, a perpetua I mystery of Life

..Christa Nuzinger


Snake Series Slide Show

59x57 "Rainbow Serpent Guarding Earth Turtle" Acrylic
70x18 "Snake Totem I " Acrylic
53x52 "Morning Snake Ascending" Acrylic
70x18 "Snake Totem II " Acrylic
47x57 "Green Snake Crossing Blue Sky " Acrylic
42x59 "Horned Serpent Crossing the Sun " Acrylic
37x67 "Shadow Serpent" Acrylic
60x84 "Plumed Serpent " Acrylic
59x57 "Serpent Bridge To The After Life" Acrylic
71x71 "Path of the Spider Woman" Acrylic
63x63 "Primordial" Acrylic
41x51 "Blue Snake Dreaming" Acrylic